Maryland Academy of Family Physicians
President's Message
Kelly Ryan, DO, FAAFP | MDAFP President
President's Corner

Summer 2024

As you are taking time to enjoy what summer has to offer, your academy continues to work on things that matter to you to have and continue a successful career in Family Medicine.

We continue to navigate the complexities of healthcare in our state, yet a pressing issue has come to the forefront: the compensation of primary care physicians in Maryland. Our state unfortunately ranks lower in terms of primary care physician salaries compared to neighboring states, which has a significant impact on our efforts to grow and sustain a robust healthcare workforce.

This issue is not just about numbers; it has far-reaching implications for physician well-being, the attractiveness of our state to graduating medical students and residents, and the overall quality of care we can provide. During our recent board meeting, the Maryland Academy of Family Physicians (MDAFP) identified this as a priority area for discussion. We are committed to understanding the root causes of these disparities and working collaboratively with stakeholders to find solutions that will help level the playing field and improve reimbursement and salaries.

We acknowledge that family medicine physicians are driven by a passion for patient care rather than financial gain. However, fair compensation is crucial for sustaining this vital workforce. As we embark on this challenging but essential task, we invite members of our community to join us in our workgroups and contribute their expertise and enthusiasm.

**Do you love a good conference?** If so, consider joining our Education Committee. Help us design conferences with invigorating speakers and innovative ideas to address gaps in our academy's knowledge base. We welcome your creative ideas for offering robust educational opportunities to our members throughout the year.

**Are you passionate about mentoring the next generation of family physicians?** Join our Pathways group dedicated to supporting young rising physicians and students. We aim to inspire the same passion for family medicine that we all felt at the beginning of our careers.

**Do you have a keen interest in public health, policy, and advocacy?** Our Government Affairs Committee (GAC) is the place for you! Work alongside our lobbyist to advocate for family medicine at the state and national levels. Last year was a successful year, and we are eager to build on that momentum as we head into the 2024-2025 session.

**Concerned about physician well-being and work-life balance?** Join our group focused on this critical issue. Whether you've found your own balance or are seeking it, your insights and ideas are valuable to us as we strive to support our colleagues in maintaining their well-being.

As summer winds down and the school year approaches, we look forward to a productive fall with new faces and invigorated workgroups. As mentioned in our communique we will also be creating a new workgroup dedicated to investigating income disparity in family medicine physicians in the state of Maryland. If this interests you, please reach out to Becky! Together, we can make a difference in addressing these challenges and enhancing the quality of healthcare in Maryland.

Thank you for your continued dedication and support.

Kelly Ryan, DO, FAAFP
MDAFP President