A Call for Abstracts is being issued for the Maryland Academy of Family Physicians PosterPresentations Session held in conjunction with the 2023 Annual Meeting and Winter Refresher, February 23-25. The research must be of interest and educational value to the specialty of Family Medicine and conducted by (1) a family medicine resident (2) a medical student or (3) an active physician.
Deadline for Submissions: December 1, 2023
Notification of Acceptance: December 15, 2023
Deadline for Posters in JPEG format: TBD
Clinical or educational scholarly activity completed within the past 2 years that is relevant to family medicine may qualify for submission to this program. We define “student” and “resident” as the status of the investigator when most of the work was done.
Decisions will be based upon the following criteria:
No application will be accepted if it is determined that the purpose, findings, and/or conclusions are promotional in nature. If financial support has been provided for the preparation of the poster, please indicate on the disclosure form. Failure to disclose financial support will result in the application being disqualified. MDAFP, as well as the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), requires all presenters to sign a disclosure statement indicating whether or not financial support was provided.
Volunteer physician members of MDAFP’s Education Committee will review poster applications.
The following guidelines must be followed when submitting an application for the February Poster Presentation:
Abstract Requirements
Research Project
Community Project
Incomplete applications will not be accepted. All submissions must submitted through the portal by December 1, 2023.
Only generic names of drugs and other products may be used in poster presentation. Company logos may not be used in any part of the poster.
A credit line indicating any financial support must be included as a footnote not exceeding one-quarter inch in height at the bottom of the poster. This line must read “Financial support for this poster was provided in part by (supporting company).” Commercial product names are not permitted in the poster title.
The name of the sponsoring institution (i.e. school or hospital) are appropriate and should be included.
The primary and/or secondary presenter(s) must be the authors of the work on which the poster is based or the persons responsible for the content, arrangement and presentationon the data in the poster.
Dimensions of poster will be limited’ to 3’ (vertical) x 6’ (horizontal) or 1.0m x 2.43m and uploaded online (NOT printed) in Power Point format.
Provide a 50-word description of your poster, as it should appear in the MDAFP official program on the conference app. The description should be brief, factual, and not a commercial. Any description longer than 50 words will be edited at the discretion of MDAFP staff. It is the responsibility of the author(s) to provide this brief description. MDAFP staff will not follow up to secure it. Only the title of the exhibit will appear in the program if the description is not provided. Accepted submissions will be asked to submit the description by December 31, 2023.